Friday, January 21, 2011

Howdy Ya'll...

I was taught first impressions were the most important; possibly more important is a great introduction... So here is a great, detailed... just plain long introduction to me & the BLOG.

About ME:
If you asked me what my passion is the answer would be family. So you will get to know lots about my kids a.k.a. my LIFE. Kaleb (6) & Emma-Grace (3) are the center of my world & I think they are interesting & amazing... so I will share a.k.a. {BRAG} a bit now & then. I am a proud WAHM & owner of a successful online children's boutique {Aidan Grace Boutique}, formerly Diaper Diva Boutique & that keeps me busy! My business venture started in 2007/2008 shortly after the birth of Emma-Grace & it granted me my #1 wish... to stay at home with my babies & supplement our income. Since I cranked up that good ol' singer almost 4 years ago I've come a long way. My business was featured in Southern Lady Magazine & I quickly outgrew from just frilly, baby girl items... My new venture {Aidan Grace Boutique} is soon available online & I am extremely excited about the new beginning & the room for growth. A love of baking & time freed for yet another hobby created {Petite Bella Cake Balls}, my "yummy" hobby! I'm not trying to boast, but in most aspects of my life I have been blessed, maybe overly blessed if that's possible. I think of myself as a passionate person... There are things in life that just must be tried & must be shared. Life is too short & this is no dress rehearsal... so go for it the first time! You may find that you've found a new passion & there's nothing wrong with that! Even if it's a complete flop, it'll be a beautiful, sometimes hysterical memory & you can share it with me! I also LOVE history, not "text book" history so much, but the kind of history that's stories re-told that maybe bring back a sweet memory or two. I believe that the people we have in our lives help mold & shape us into who we are. If I hadn't been raised by who I was raised by... who's to say I would ever have had an interest in sewing, baking, antique-ing, or a love/fascination of Martha Stewart, or Oprah or Paula Deen... I LOVE PAULA!!! When I catch a good "Miss. O" show & it causes that "eyes welling up" that it almost always does... I think of my Grandma. She taught me a lot, without sitting me down & teaching me much. I'm thankful for the things I picked up from her & hope a good bit rubbed off on me... the "Susie Home-maker" part & a bit of the "Miss. Independent" & the "I can do it all" parts; Hopefully, the "Pack Rat" part stays dormant lol! Hubby wouldn't appreciate that at all! I'm an avid "student", always learning, always evolving... but that's life; it happens! A few things I love... sweet tea, porch swings, gossip, baking, cleaning (weird I know, but I do!), decorating, sewing, crafting, shopping, antiquing, reading, photography & did I say shopping?
About the BLOG:
So that leads me right into my blog... somewhere it can all come together... all the things I love! I'm 28, somewhat wise, a good bit still not so wise but willing to share my experiences... triumphs & flops! I'm a creature of habit & a product of my environment. My habit is I LOVE creating & sharing... My environment is a home filled with family, friends & hobbies. What better way to let people in on what I'm up to than a BLOG!?! I've never been a "blogger", but I'm going to give it a try!  Posts will probably seems like a "hodge podge", but that's the intent. In the business community I share with a TON of other talented people... I am constantly running across something {fabulous}! My life may be busy; "So why add a BLOG?" you might ask. I'm aiming for a {fabulous} blog that is fun to read & is relative to the other Modern Housewives out there... We're a growing community of women who have careers, families, a social life, and are always looking for the "next big thing". I've learned a bit I would love to share, & what I haven't learned yet I am happy to share with you. I never said Modern Housewives had a lot of spare time:) So this "Charmed Life" I live is shared with a "Southern Girl's" point of view!
I hope to get to know you each & hope you each enjoy getting to know me! Good things come to those who wait & I can't share all the good stuff early... that would just be bad "blogging etiquette".

Hope you all enjoy my thoughts & even if you don't... this gives me a place to ramble & share even if no one is listening:)


  1. I always follow you on Facebook and I am glad you have a blog now! Can't wait to read what you come up with! :)


  2. @Amber - Thank You so much! I am looking forward to sharing my world & I hope you enjoy my randomness lol! I'll add your blog to my personal reading list too:)
